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A Statement on the Georgia Shootings from Asian Women for Equality


On March 16th 2021, a white gunman went to three Asian-themed massage parlours in Atlanta, Georgia. He shot 8 people. 6 were Asian women. He described being motivated by a desire to eliminate “temptation” for his “sexual addictions.”

Asian Women for Equality stands in solidarity with our Asian-American sisters. We condemn the misogynist racism that has fuelled white men’s violence against us, and we condemn the sex industry that creates the conditions for men to violate us.

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, Asians have been increasingly targeted for violence, but anti-Asian racism is not new. Asian people have long been portrayed as a dangerous cultural threat to Western society. Specifically, Asian women are fetishized as being submissive, exotic, and sexually available. Our bodies are used, commodified and trafficked for profit and men’s sexual pleasure. Arising, in part, from a history of exploitation, war, and imperialism, these harmful stereotypes of Asian women are embedded in the expectations and beliefs of white male sex buyers.

Prostitution teaches men that they can override our consent: our ability to say NO to unwanted sexual activity. Prostitution encourages men to demand racist sexual experiences with Asian women. The sex industry preys on women - especially women of colour and poor women.

We want an end to racism and sexism, and we want an end to the systems that perpetuate racism and sexism. We want to live without fear of racist violence, sexist violence and poverty.

End sexism and racism against Asian women.

End prostitution, a system of racism and violence against Asian women.

Justice and freedom for Asian Women NOW!

Asian Women for Equality is a grassroots feminist group that works as a progressive force to change societal attitudes towards women; to advance equality for Asian women; and to create opportunities for Asian women to have meaningful participation and to take leadership roles in civil society. Our membership represents a range of life experiences common to Asian women, including prostituted women, immigrants, naturalized Canadians, permanent residents, temporary residents, foreign students and Canadian-born offspring of Asian immigrants to Canada.



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