Join us a timely discussion about Sexism, Racism, Poverty, Criminalization, and why we need a Guaranteed Livable Income. Sunday, August 30th.
12 PM - 2 PM (PST) 3 PM - 5 PM (EST)
Fay Blaney, Aboriginal Women's Action Network
Honourable Kim Pate, Senator
Lolly Bennett, National Congress of Black Women Foundation
Grace Balbutin, Asian Women for Equality
Community respondents
Charie Siddayao, Philippine Women Centre of Ontario
Heather Mason, Strength in SISterhood Society
Sheila Regehr, Basic Income Canada Network
Honourable Leah Gazan, MP for Winnipeg Centre.
In a key moment of heightened awareness of the racism and brutality of the criminal justice system, and the place of poverty in the discussion, guaranteed livable income, GLI (also known as universal basic income) has featured as an attractive policy potential - especially in the context of the global pandemic COVID-19. Recent calls to extend the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and move toward GLI have begun to articulate the additional challenges we face as women, Indigenous women and women of colour.
We bring together four leading feminist thinkers to talk about their work with women - women in poverty, Indigenous women, women of colour, women in the criminal justice system. We'll talk about what a GLI could look like in Canada, and what it would mean for women.
