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Our services are available to women, particularly Asian Women and women of Asian descent.

Current Campaigns

Human trafficking and prostitution entrench racism and sexism. We are working to abolish prostitution which we see as a form of male violence against women.

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Women experience social, economic and political inequality that is compounded by the deep demand for our  unpaid labour. A feminist guaranteed livable income (also called a basic income) is a step that can allow many women better opportunities to be self-determining and allow more of us to participate meaningfully and with power in society.

Past Campaigns

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Cindy Gladue was a 36-year old prostituted Indigenous woman who was found dead after bleeding to death by injuries caused by "rough sex". Asian Women for Equality appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada in the case Bradley David Barton v. Her Majesty the Queen.

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Seeking Justice for the Comfort Women

Women bear the brunt of war and militarism. We seek justice for the Asian women and girls taken from their homes in order to provide sex to soldiers during World War II. This justice must take into account the brutal harm caused by currents wars, military bases, and other armed conflicts.

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